John Stuart Mill Quotes
Was there ever any domination that did not appear natural to those who possessed it?

Quotes to Explore
I don't watch the show - only bits and pieces of all of them. The only one I sat through was the pilot.
Donald Trump did not appear by magic.
I still tour like a man possessed, because I am.
All that time is lost which might be better employed.
There is such a big chunk of me that is David Attenborough. I think he is my biggest inspiration.
People never believe it when they find out I'm a karate world champion. They don't see me as the type because I'm small and blonde.
Smell was our first sense. It is even possible that being able to smell was the stimulus that took a primitive fish and turned a small lump of olfactory tissue on its nerve cord into a brain. We think because we smelled.
In today's world, we all live with the burden of feeling that anything is possible if we're only clever enough, smart enough, work hard enough.
We genuinely believe to this day that it was an honest genuine mistake and we never imagined the punishment would be eight months. The precedent dictated that it was unlikely to be that. We don't regret he played for that period.
My dreams have come true. I mean, everything I wanted to happen as a kid has already happened.
The virtue of binary is that it's the simplest possible way of representing numbers. Anything else is more complicated. You can catch errors with it, it's unambiguous in its reading, there are lots of good things about binary. So it is very, very simple once you learn how to read it.
I try to be cool, but I'm not very good at it.
Black Girl Magic is a radiant revolution against misogynoir - misogyny directed towards Black women and internalized hatred. Black women are subject to so many societal messages that tell them they are not beautiful, smart, or capable. Black Girl Magic is the conscious unraveling of those toxic concepts through self-love and acceptance. It preaches that despite the pressures I face, I glow more than ever before.
I believed that I was approaching the end of my days without having tasted to the full any of the pleasures for which my heart thirsted...without having ever tasted that passion which, through lack of an object, was always suppressed. ...The impossibility of attaining the real persons precipitated me into the land of chimeras; and seeing nothing that existed worthy of my exalted feelings, I fostered them in an ideal world which my creative imagination soon peopled with beings after my own heart.
With the second record (2012's Anxiety), I was quite jaded, and exhausted, and tired. With this third record, I feel that I've come full circle. I had gotten to the absolute pinnacle of how bad someone could feel.
Write about what really interests you, whether it is real things or imaginary things, and nothing else. (Notice this means that if you are interested only in writing you will never be a writer, because you will have nothing to write about...)
It's easy to set a story anywhere if you get a good guidebook and get some basic street names, and some descriptions, but, for me, yes, I am indebted to my travels to India for several of the stories.
There does, in fact, appear to be a plan.
It might interest you to know that the 1828 Noah Webster Dictionary identifies the optimist in complimentary terms, but says nothing about the pessimist. The word 'pessimist' was not in our vocabulary at that time. It's a modern 'invention' which I believe we should 'dis-invent.'
It feels like a continuation of the Blondie sound. It's very eclectic, ... Our influences are not all musical. We're influenced by art, culture, camp values and irony. That's what puts us away from the rest of the pack.
I wanted to invent an engine that could run for ever. I could have developed a new train, had I stayed in the railway. It would have looked like the AK-47 though.
Was there ever any domination that did not appear natural to those who possessed it?