I'll tell you - what I can tell you is that I know when I saw 'Zodiac' and then again when I saw 'No Country For Old Men,' there was a moment in each of my viewing experiences where I went, 'Dammit, this is scarier than 'Silence Of The Lambs.''
Jonathan Demme -
I don't think it's sacrilegious to remake any movie, including a good or even great movie.
Jonathan Demme
The occupied territories and the movement of settlements - moving people today off of their property and claiming it - is illegal.
Jonathan Demme -
I remember the Neil Young brand hitting me very hard immediately. He wasn't an acquired taste. I loved him immediately.
Jonathan Demme -
Nothing beats a live performance. Nothing.
Jonathan Demme -
I don't think of Storefront Hitchcock or Stop Making Sense as documentaries, I think of them more as performance films.
Jonathan Demme -
I love the idea of documentaries. I love seeing documentaries, and I love making them. Documentaries are incredibly easy to shoot. The ease with which you can hear something's going on, somebody's going to be somewhere: That sounds so interesting. Pick up your camera and go.
Jonathan Demme -
I only work with actors who take full responsibility for their characters.
Jonathan Demme
I had very strong feelings, so the chance to make a film that deals in an imaginative way with stuff you care tremendously about is a real high. It's a really amazing thing to be able to do.
Jonathan Demme -
'Neil Young Heart of Gold', that was a valentine to Nashville and country music in the Grand Ole Opry tradition and Hank Williams.
Jonathan Demme -
The whole Orion zeitgeist, of treating filmmakers as partners, to me it's inseparable from the success of 'Silence of the Lambs'.
Jonathan Demme