I'll take my chances with this life all the same. The next one will find you no matter where you run. No sense chasing it.
Let people hide in their homes, caged like chickens. Cowards deserve no better.
There's a wide world out there, for those willing to brave the dark.
People make the world go, and Mothers make people, so they lead the dance.
There's other ways to protect yourself and your family, Arlen. Wisdom. Prudence. Humility. It's not brave to fight a battle you can't win.
There are times in life when we feel so very alive that when they pass, we feel … diminished. When that happens, we’ll do almost anything to feel so alive again.
Fear and pain are only wind. Let it blow past you.
Choose a book, ... Any book. Bring it here, and I'll show you what else the world can offer.
You are my daughter. I would love you if you put out the sun.
Let others determine your worth and you're already lost, because no one wants people worth more than themselves.
I don't pretend to see the path, but I know it's there all the same. One day, we'll look back and wonder how we ever missed it.