This fear of death infused me with the desire to live, and to live harder.
Once everyone else around you starts to become incredibly comfortable - if anything, quite happy with what you are doing - then I start to settling in and trusting all those choices that I've made up to that point.
I love experiencing other people's realities, seeing the world through their eyes for a short period of time.
Every day is intense and alive, whether it's travel, work, even down time, which there is so little of.
Comedy is so hard; it's so much harder than drama. The pacing of it, the energy of it.
I think actors become jacks-of-all-trades and masters of none.
Wrap parties can be really sad, actually, disorienting.
I think I've spent so much time playing characters that are so far away from me and learning how to technically build and how to technically put something on top of you.