Baking is therapy.
I have been a baker for more than 30 years now, and in terms of equipment, all I really need is flour. It still amazes me what a versatile commodity it is, as you can do so many different things with it, and I never tire of trying new blends and recipes.
Get digital scales because, for baking, balance scales just aren't accurate enough: it's all in the weighing up.
I have gone through some bad times with my own business. At one point, I was working my socks off, driving, delivering, baking. It was hard, hard work. But I worked through it. Running your own bakery is hard. I never came close to bankruptcy, but I had to cut back on staff.
There's something clean, simple, and even detoxifying about a loaf that contains nothing more than the best stone-ground, whole-meal flour, salt, yeast and water.
Since I was a kid, baking has been part of my life.
Civilisation was built around wheat, around people settling down and not being nomadic. Baking is one of the oldest professions.
My own preferred fitness regime is to use my bicycle.
I can be a romantic. The way to every woman's heart is through her stomach. Food is at the core of everything.
I can judge a restaurant by its bread: it winds me up that a lot of places buy pre-packed ones in and don't bother putting them in the oven to crisp them up again. And you shouldn't put bread on a side-plate: it needs to be pushed back into the centre of the table.