Mia Hamm Quotes
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Baseball, boxing, handball - sooner or later every game gets compared to narrative, but only in football are the plays perfectly linear, drawn up with letters, and only in football is the field itself lined like a sheet of notebook paper.
Luck marches with those who give their very best.
Lesser artists borrow, great artists steal.
I have real admiration for chefs who can maintain an edge and find new inspiration in their cooking after many years.
I love to perform live.
Call me tacky, but I love the union of sweet and sour, even in some now-unloved Oriental dishes incorporating pineapple and ketchup.
I spend most of my days pacing around, muttering that I have no ideas, feeling like I'm walking a plank.
Since, in the best Southern tradition, I was named Edmund Valentine White III, sometimes when people look up my books on Amazon they find 'Chocolate Drops from the South' by my grandfather.
'It seems an uncommonly woundabout and hopelessly wigmawolish method of getting anywheahs.'
Devious, underachieving, school-hating, irreverent, and clever.
Jesus Pietro wasn't used to dealing with ghosts. It would require brand new techniques. Grimly he set out to evolve them.
A teacher who can arouse a feeling for one single good action, for one single good poem, accomplishes more than he who fills our memory with rows on rows of natural objects, classified with name and form.
Like all holy figures whose earthly existence separates them from the broad mass of humanity, a saint is a story, and Joan of Arc's is like no other.
If it wasn't for the stars, we would not be here.
New York is my, you know, second hometown.
I recognise my old self in a lot of the letters I get from single women who are unrealistic about what they want.
The Internet has done nothing but good for comedy all around. Comedians no longer have to rely on TV execs and club owners deciding if they are funny or not.
What I see in the Bible, especially in the book of Psalms, which is a book of gratitude for the created world, is a recognition that all good things on Earth are God's, every good gift is from above. They are good if we recognize where they came from and if we treat them the way the Designer intended them to be treated.
A girl should not expect special privileges because of her sex but neither should she 'adjust' to prejudice and discrimination.
There is such wonderful balm in self-imposed sacrifice.
Seeing people cheering for him and hugging him was almost sickening. He deserved every hardship because it was an awful thing that he did. It wasn't accidental.
It is not a simple life to be a single cell, although I have no right to say so, having been a single cell so long ago myself that I have no memory at all of that stage in my life.
It isn't sacrifice if you love what you're doing.