What I want any genre to do, what I want any work of art to do, is to illuminate the human condition.
Leo Tolstoy said the purpose of art is to teach you to love life. And that's what I want.
A screenplay is not a finished product; a novel is. A screenplay is a blueprint for something - for a building that will most likely never be built.
Schools and libraries are the twin cornerstones of a civilized society. Libraries are only good if people use them, like books only exist when someone reads them.
Art and commerce are not irreconciliable, they are inextricably intertwined.
Actors will change their face, will change their hair, will change their voice, will disappear into the role. A movie star doesn't disappear.
As a writer, you have control of the words you put on the page. But once that manuscript leaves your hand, you give control to the reader. As a director, you are limited by everything: weather, budget, and egos.
The director is a bit analogous to the conductor of a symphony orchestra. It's a collaborative adventure.
Audiences may be stupid, but they are never wrong.
Art doesn't just happen by accident. It is about pulling out new tricks and trying new things.
I was always a filmmaker before I was anything else. If I was always anything, I was a storyteller, and it never really made much of a difference to me what medium I worked in.