Hiraeth means homesickness to a home to which you cannot return: the grief of the lost places of your past. I fell in love with the word and instantly connected to it. It reminded me of the days when I had left my home in Gwalior, and I had that strange pull in my stomach, and now I can so relate to this word.
I'm not going to have a six-pack abs. I think it's a luxury to have six-pack abs, but I don't think I can afford it yet. It's extremely tough, and I think having it will be an achievement.
I would do theatre till I die. Theatre keeps your honesty alive. You can't pollute yourself. You learn a lot, and you use theatre techniques in life.
We are killing a living thing just so that we can wear it? I think fake leather is also beautiful and lasts longer. All I am saying is that if you like wearing leather stuff, put in some extra effort and explore the market. Take on fake leather and stop being part of this cruelty.
At the age of 16, I ran from my house, did odd jobs till l landed work on television and then in film industry. My first job was at an STD booth in Delhi. Then I came to Mumbai, where I distributed DVDs, and that is when I got my first TV show offer, 'Left Right Left.' I have never planned things in my career.
I started watching English news channels and would repeat after the anchor. Since coaching classes were expensive, I joined a call centre where, after undergoing training for a month, I quit. I followed this strategy in 15 BPOs. I could earn money and learn English at the same time.
My father looked like this serious guy but was actually a very kind person.
Raashi is a lovely co-star, and we're having so much fun working together. We were talking about how our careers in Bollywood were launched by John Abraham.
I ran away from my home in Gwalior and bought myself a ticket to Delhi. That was the nearest metro, and the cheapest ticket was for Rs 74.
I load on proteins, veggies, fruits and nuts and never took support of supplements.
I'm half Telugu. My mom is Telugu and dad, a Maharashtrian. I was brought up in Gwalior. I was exposed to English, Hindi, and Marathi. I heard my mom speak to her family in Telugu, so I got the hang of it.
I was distributing DVDs in Mumbai in 2006, and that is when I got my first TV show offer - 'Left Right Left.
Simply put, Cavemen's diet is a diet plan which suggest food eaten by the cavemen. Cavemen ate what was available - like meat, vegetables and a few nuts. What we grow for food is carbohydrates, and that leads to weight gain. I started this diet a few years ago, and ever since, I haven't had carbs at all.
I know how to play the acoustic guitar, but I'm learning to play the electric guitar now. I'm sure it will be a wonderful experience.
One day, I went to meet a film producer and entered the wrong flat. It was a casting agency, and they suggested that I audition for a four-hero Telugu film. I was confirmed a month later. Interestingly, it's not easy down South for a newcomer to bag positive roles, but I was adamant.
The idea of being associated with Bollywood prompted me to get into DVD distribution.
I don't deny that fact that I like Gauahar. She is hardworking, self-made and self-respecting. Somewhere, I see my own personality traits in her. But that's about it. We are not in a relationship.
I learnt acting in Delhi from Barry John, who also taught Shah Rukh Khan.
I wanted to escape the drudgery of a small town existence. Any place bigger than Gwalior was fine. I took the first train to Delhi because that was the only fare I could afford.
I started working in an STD phone booth where I had to note down all the numbers that were dialed - this was post 9/11 when security was a looming issue. I got Rs 10 per day for my work. Soon after, a benefactor offered me a job in a cybercafe down the road for Rs 20.
I have learnt three things from Barry John which are applicable to life, too: Don't expect anything from another actor, one shouldn't judge, and one shouldn't block things.
When I was a child, I got an opportunity to see all the big players in a cricket match. I was a ball boy outside the boundary line. I picked the ball and waited a bit for Sachin Tendulkar to come near me to give it to him. The sense of being in the same space was special. While thousands were watching, I was close to Sachin.
When people heard my voice, they were shocked that I could speak Hindi.
I fled my home town and did odd jobs, including things like re-designing old furniture, before I became an actor. Having said that, I don't think the story of my life is in any way remarkable. What is remarkable is how acting opportunities have come my way.