Nick Carter (Nickolas Gene Carter) Quotes
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When you are dining with a demon, you got to have a long spoon.
We may not have demon fathers dangling offers of infernal power before us, but everyone understands what it means to struggle with temptation or resist the urge to give in to our baser natures.
If you have this enormous talent, it's got you by the balls, it's a demon. You can't be a family man and a husband and a caring person and be that animal. Dickens wasn't that nice a guy.
The real demon in my life is my father.
Sam and Dean Winchester sitting on the top of the Impala sharing their feelings over a beer is a reward worth driving any 'Supernatural' demon away - but in real life, they'd have crippling co-dependency issues.
The creative urge is the demon that will not accept anything second rate.
Harry Dresden: Paranoid? Probably. But just because you're paranoid doesn't mean that there isn't an invisible demon about to eat your face.
Harry Dresden: It's a place with a history, the neighbors are quiet, and my rent is cheap-though less so than it was before the demon thrashed my place.
I attempt to connect with my muse and go on demon rides.
I remember the 'Checkered Demon'. He's this little devil with this three-foot dong that just porks everybody. And that wa s my idea of what sex was about. And I was, "Oh, wow! I can't wait.
A comedian is not funny unless he is taking his demons out for a walk.
Different people describe me in a different ways. Some describe me as the living Buddha. Nonsense. Some describe me as 'God-king.' Nonsense. Some consider me as a demon or a wolf in Buddhist robes. That also, I think nonsense.
The only way to meet the modern demon-stration of the powers of darkness is by a demonstration of the power of God.
Demons are demons, and if you have them, you can either put them away, exorcize them, or carry them with you.
It is the image of God reflected in you that so enrages hell; it is this at which the demons hurl their mightiest weapons.
My demon is hating to have to do a regular day job. Being up on stage really helps me forget I have a life like that - when I did have a life like that. I find complete contentment and happiness when I'm playing in front of an audience.
There's a demon in me, and he's still around. Without the dope, we have a bit more of a chat these days.
The fury of a demon instantly possessed me. I knew myself no longer. My original soul seemed, at once, to take its flight from my body; and a more than fiendish malevolence, gin-nurtured, thrilled every fibre of my frame.
I think the media is a real demon.
The true art of being young is knowing how to defy gravity and upset as many people as possible while doing it. How to penetrate the great secrets of the universe and damn the torpedoes. How to stir the demons of our destiny.
Napoleon, who had an aversion to the moral laxity of the eighteenth century, which he blamed on the domination of society by women, was determined to reform family life on Roman, or perhaps rather on Corsican, principles. It was with him, not with Queen Victoria, that Victorian morality originated.
I wear things that kind of can look good for extended periods of time - fabrics that don't wrinkle, things that don't stain very easily.
I admit, I am a demon at nintendo.