Eugenio Derbez Quotes
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Probably what my comment meant was that I don't care about the circumstances if I can tell the truth.
Sally Kirkland
She is like all the rest of them. Whether they are seventeen or fortyseven, when they finally come to surrender completely, it's going to be in words.
William Faulkner
So, instead, we are supplied with a constant stream of propaganda telling us about the righteous contempt that the people feel for the corrupt political class, which only serves to weaken the position of politicians still further, which in turn leads to a new round of gauntlet-running in the media. This process continues in a vicious circle, the inevitable culmination of which is the death of representative democracy, the complete impotence of politicians, and a hyper-real media dictatorship. This process is strengthened by feedback. Through the use of opinion polls, whose questions are obviously phrased by the media to serve their own purposes, the population is told what it thinks, and what it is “natural” to think. Then the media go on to show how adaptable politicians are adapting to this norm, or are allowing themselves to be adapted, and so the process goes on and on, ad infinitum. The investigations of the mass-media are, on their most profound level, investigations into the mass-media themselves. Statistics which purport to represent public opinion are actually the tools used by the media to manufacture opinion.
Alexander Bard
Army of Lovers
Man is the hunter. Woman is the civilizing influence, and when women abandon that role, men become Cranky, and start wars.
Nicole Hollander
I've never chased a dream. I believe in living in the present, so I see myself happy and cooking. That's all.
Ranveer Brar
Poverty breeds lack of self-reliance.
Daniel De Leon