Sarah Ban Breathnach Quotes
Quotes to Explore
Love is the funeral of hearts.
People vote with their hearts, not their heads.
Millions of Spaniards have Catalonia in their hearts.
Differences of habit and language are nothing at all if our aims are identical and our hearts are open.
Mistress of love or of hate, occult science can dispense paradise or hell at its pleasure to human hearts; it disposes of all forms and confers beauty or ugliness; with the wand of Circe it changes men into brutes and animals alternately into men.
Whose hearts must I break? What lies must I maintain? - Through whose blood am I to wade ?
Love is about letting go of the fears that stand in front of our hearts.
For hearts where wakened love doth lurk, How fine, how blest a thing is work! For work does good when reasons fail.
Remember that time slurs over everything, let all deeds fade, blurs all writings and kills all memories. Exempt are only those which dig into the hearts of men by love.
Love is the net where hearts are caught like fish.
Those whose hearts are fixed on Reality itself deserve the title of Philosophers.
True love doesn't consist of holding hands, it consists of holding hearts.
God, the best maker of all marriages, Combine your hearts into one.
Hearts will break - yet brokenly, live on.
Women see everything or nothing according to the inclination of their hearts. Love is their sole light.
Mud, raised by hurricanes, wells up in the noblest and purest of hearts.
Monotonously the lorries sway, monotonously come the calls, monotonously falls the rain. It falls on our heads and on the heads of the dead up the line, on the body of the little recruit with the wound that is so much too big for his hip; it falls on Kemmerich's grave; it falls in our hearts.
The thought that life could be better is woven indelibly into our hearts and our brains.
Hey, I am thinking of it myself, in this part of world (East), we all do endeavors in praying and are sweating (white liquid) and this is our situation, frustrated , but on the other part of world (West) ,they are enjoying in party and drinking liquor (white liquid) but their situation is that, successful, I do not know that the problem relates to the type of liquid or the way of drinking!!
I don't want to be mean. I try not to be.
For a few minutes of every day, every man becomes a genius. This is the tragedy of life.
We need uniform protection of traditional marriage. You can't have different definitions on something as fundamental as marriage. The Marriage Protection Amendment is the only solution to this problem.
Your heart will always tell you what’s working and what’s not.