It is surely no coincidence that Napoleon's two greatest heroes were Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar. In certain respects, he would outdo them both.
The people who read the history books tend to have a natural zeal and are alarmingly well-read.
Historians turning their hands to fiction are all the rage. Since Alison Weir led the way in 2006, an ever-growing number of established non-fiction writers - Giles Milton, Simon Sebag Montefiore, Harry Sidebottom, Patrick Bishop, Ian Mortimer and myself included - have written historical novels.
Historical facts are the vital framework around which non-fiction writers construct their narratives; they are, quite simply, indispensable.
If I'm at a book signing, and someone decides to take me to task, it can make for quite a sticky moment.
Those who read the fiction assume that, because I'm also a historian, I know what I'm talking about.
When I was six or seven, we went to the nearest English primary school, St Weonards, about seven miles away. The teaching was good, and this was the start of my beginning to shine as a student.
History tells us that a general can move and feed an army as efficiently as he likes, but the real litmus test is the battlefield.