Computers and the Internet have made it really easy to rant. It's made everyone overly opinionated.
When you're in love, you've found your soul mate, you think life is going one way, and suddenly it's completely apparent it's not. You have to rethink your whole purpose.
It's incredibly stressful when the person you love is having a child.
It seems like everyone's got an agenda, and the agenda seems to be selling magazines or air time with sensational stories.
I tend to get my hands into all these other things and all these distractions, and after a while I start feeling depleted.
I prefer to break new ground, but it gets harder and harder with the territory that's already been walked on.
To be a great band it's like you have that telepathy. You know when the bass player's in back of you without even looking. You know when your guitar player's coming up to you to lean up to you and sing into your microphone. You just know these things. You feel it. You feel the energy of it.
I prefer a three-piece suit myself. Very sixties rock and roll. But they're not too quirky. Businessmen could wear them.
When I'm not completely loaded, it's a much more vulnerable place. I can feel the music, I can feel the energy and I really have to put it out there. When I was loaded, I was just oblivious.
Well, a lot of successes come by mistake.
Dead fish don't swim around in jealous tides.
I've changed the way I look at things. When I put out a record or single I don't allow myself to set up expectations like, "This song must be a number one hit. Its got to sell X amount of records." I have fallen into that trap before.
Making an album should be an honest experience. It shouldn't be about trying to gauge where popular music is today; it should be about artistic expression and putting down what you want to put down.
Processed pig is white trash meat. Some people call it Spam.
Bowie's obviously my biggest influence.
I'd sell one of my songs for any car commercial in the world that paid enough money. But to stay in the Top Ten for weeks on end when I'm in my forties by letting Glen Ballard write songs for me? F**k that.
I sang in choir as a kid.
Rock and roll doesn't allow you to grow up - especially if you're not trying very hard to.
As I've gotten older, I've found that I'm not afraid anymore to throw my influences into making a record.
To be appreciated by a whole 'nother generation of fans, all of a sudden discovering you, it's kind of what I did with the classic bands I love - the ones that influenced me.
The thing is, unfortunately, I write the best songs when I'm miserable.
Shoot the bad guys and I'll gladly sing a tune for you.
It's better to not set your expectations high. And that's what happens when you have a long career - not every album is going to be record setting.
Great classic music that I've been turned on to has not only inspired and influenced me, but it has had an effect on my songwriting.