When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everybody will respect you.
Lao Tzu -
In the Golden Age, Rulers were unknown. In the following age Rulers were loved and praised. Next came the age When rulers were feared. Finally the age When rulers are hated.
Lao Tzu
The more clever and cunning people are, the stranger the events will be.
Lao Tzu -
From now back to antiquity, its (Tao's) name has not been lost. Thereby, see the origin of all.
Lao Tzu -
The softest of stuff in the world, penetrates quickly the hardest, insubstantial, it enters where there is no room.
Lao Tzu -
A multitude of words is tiresome, unlike remaining centered.
Lao Tzu -
Perfection is the willingness to be imperfect.
Lao Tzu -
If you realize that all things change, there is nothing you will try to hold on to. If you are not afraid of dying, there is nothing you cannot achieve.
Lao Tzu
The sage attends to the belly, and not to what he sees.
Lao Tzu -
Nothing in the world is more flexible and yielding than water. Yet when it attacks the firm and the strong, none can withstand it, because they have no way to change it. So the flexible overcome the adamant, the yielding overcome the forceful. Everyone knows this, but no one can do it.
Lao Tzu -
The heavy is the root of the light. The unmoved is the source of all movement. Thus the Master travels all day without leaving home. However splendid the views, she stays serenely in herself. Why should the lord of the country flit about like a fool? If you let yourself be blown to and fro, you lose touch with your root. If you let restlessness move you, you lose touch with who you are.
Lao Tzu -
The well-run group is not a battlefield of egos.
Lao Tzu -
The wise man is one who knows what he does not know.
Lao Tzu -
The real key to health and happiness and success is self knowledge.
Lao Tzu
If you never assume importance, you never lose it.
Lao Tzu -
Force is followed by loss of strength. This is not the way of the Tao. That which goes against the Tao comes to an early end.
Lao Tzu -
To rejoice in conquest is to rejoice in murder.
Lao Tzu -
Those who die without being forgotten get longevity.
Lao Tzu -
Conduct your triumph as a funeral.
Lao Tzu -
To know you have enough is to be rich.
Lao Tzu
We join spokes together in a wheel, but it is the center hole that makes the wagon move.
Lao Tzu -
To consider this desirable would be to delight in the slaughter of men; and he who delights in the slaughter of men cannot get his will in the kingdom.
Lao Tzu -
Be humble and you will remain entire. The sages do not display themselves, therefore they shine. They do not approve themselves, therefore they are noted. They do not praise themselves, therefore they have merit. They do not glory in themselves, therefore they excel.
Lao Tzu -
ALL things in Nature work silently. They come into being and possess nothing. They fulfil their functions and make no claim.
Lao Tzu