All giving is asking, and all asking is an asking for love.
Sigmund Freud -
Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?
Sigmund Freud
A love that does not discriminate seems to me to forfeit a part of its own value, by doing an injustice to its object; and secondly, not all men are worthy of love.
Sigmund Freud -
Adolescent stage in the development of the human race from which humanity should free itself.
Sigmund Freud -
The goal towards which the pleasure principle impels us - of becoming happy - is not attainable: yet we may not - nay, cannot - give up the efforts to come nearer to realization of it by some means or other.
Sigmund Freud -
The Irish are the one race for which psychoanalysis is of no use whatsoever... because they already live in a dream world.
Sigmund Freud -
The whole thing [religion] is so patently infantile, so foreign to reality, that to anyone with a friendly attitude to humanity it is painful to think that the great majority of mortals will never be able to rise above this view of life.
Sigmund Freud -
Christmas is the alcoholidays.
Sigmund Freud
What a distressing contrast there is between the radiant intelligence of the child and the feeble mentality of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud -
I have an infamously low capacity for visualizing relationships, which made the study of geometry and all subjects derived from it impossible for me.
Sigmund Freud -
The Mosaic religion had been a Father religion; Christianity became a Son religion. The old God, the Father, took second place; Christ, the Son, stood in His stead, just as in those dark times every son had longed to do.
Sigmund Freud -
A child in its greed for love does not enjoy having to share the affection of its parents with its brothers and sisters; and it notices that the whole of their affection is lavished upon it once more whenever it arouses their anxiety by falling ill. It has now discovered a means of enticing out its parents' love and will make use of that means as soon as it has the necessary psychical material at its disposal for producing an illness.
Sigmund Freud -
We are so constituted that we can gain intense pleasure only from the contrast, and only very little from the condition itself.
Sigmund Freud -
So in every individual the two trends, one towards personal happiness and the other unity with the rest of humanity, must contend with each other.
Sigmund Freud
The goal of all life is death...
Sigmund Freud -
Were we fully to understand the reasons for other people's behavior, it would all make sense.
Sigmund Freud -
Even if all parts of a problem seem to fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, one has to remember that the probable need not necessarily be the truth and the truth not always probable.
Sigmund Freud -
Religious illusion must bow to scientific truth. It is in total error about the nature of the true world. Only science is not an illusion.
Sigmund Freud -
He that has eyes to see and ears to hear may convince himself that no mortal can keep a secret. If his lips are silent, he chatters with his fingertips; betrayal oozes out of him at every pore.
Sigmund Freud -
Demons do not exist any more than gods do, being only the products of the psychic activity of man.
Sigmund Freud
Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.
Sigmund Freud -
I do not doubt that it would be easier for fate to take away your suffering than it would for me. But you will see for yourself that much has been gained if we succeed in turning your hysterical misery into common unhappiness.
Sigmund Freud -
Conscience is the internal perception of the rejection of a particular wish operating within us.
Sigmund Freud -
It often seems that the poet's derisive comment is not unjustified when he says of the philosopher: “With his nightcaps and the tatters of his dressing-gown he patches the gaps in the structure of the universe.
Sigmund Freud