My work is not generally in the commercial sector. However, I'm not worried by the commercial sector. I refuse to work in any other way except the way that I work.
Theatre is the art form of the present: it exists only in the present, and then it's gone.
I'm naturally attracted to something I don't understand because when you try to deal with something you don't understand, it opens a door into another world.
Any play that's making a point is less interesting than something that stays with you and suggests something further.
Infinity is a way to describe the incomprehensible to the human mind. In a way, it notates a mystery. That kind of mystery exists in relationships. A lifetime is not enough to know someone else. It provides a brief glimpse.
If you're an actor, go out and act.
Most of what we say about ourselves is a wonderful piece of storytelling.
I'm passionate about music, and I feel that theatre has an extraordinarily musical ability in the way it operates on the audience.
I might be like a conductor, or I collect the stuff together and I do a lot of my own writing. But what is a pleasure is the whole creative thing in which we're all excavating and trying to find something.
The only reality of the theater exists in the mind of the audience.