We can reorient science - for example, a kind of medicine much more directed toward the enormous number of women's health problems which are neglected now. But the original givens of this science are the same for men and for women. Women simply have to steal the instrument; they don't have to break it, or try, a priori, to make of it something totally different. Steal it and use it for their own good.
Simone de Beauvoir -
There is no justification for present existence other than its expansion into an indefinitely open future.
Simone de Beauvoir
My worst mistake has been not grasping that time goes by. It was going by and there I was, set in the attitude of the ideal wife of an ideal husband. Instead of bringing our sexual relationship to life again I brooded happily over memories of our former nights together.
Simone de Beauvoir -
When someone you love dies you pay for the sin of outliving her with a thousand piercing regrets.
Simone de Beauvoir -
The past is not a peaceful landscape lying there behind me, a country in which I can stroll wherever I please, and will gradually show me all its secret hills and dales. As I was moving forward, so it was crumbling. Most of the wreckage that can be seen is colourless, distorted, frozen: its meaning escapes me... all that's left is a skeleton. I shall never find my plans again, my hopes and fears - I shall not find myself.
Simone de Beauvoir -
I believe that we must use language. If it is used in a feminist perspective, with a feminist sensibility, language will find itself changed in a feminist manner. It will nonetheless be the language. You can't not use this universal instrument; you can't create an artificial language, in my opinion. But naturally, each writer must use it in his/her own way.
Simone de Beauvoir -
I am not at all for a feminism which is entirely separatist, which would say, "this domain is purely for women." I don't believe that at all.
Simone de Beauvoir -
She would never change, but one day at the touch of a fingertip she would fall to dust.
Simone de Beauvoir
Many things would be changed for Americans if they would only admit that there is ill-luck in this world and that misfortune is not a priori a crime.
Simone de Beauvoir -
As long as the family and the myth of the family ... have not been destroyed, women will still be oppressed.
Simone de Beauvoir -
The way I approached a question, my habit of mind, the way I looked at things, what I took for granted - all this was myself and it did not seem to me that I could alter it.
Simone de Beauvoir -
Obviously, everything has always been defined by the dominant ideology. But the dominant ideology has been able to accept women's literature as well as men's literature. I would say that women have been hindered from creating for a variety of reasons, as Virginia Woolf so admirably explained in A Room of One's Own. When they have created, on the whole they have been recognized. In literature it hasn't been nearly as oppressive as in, say, painting, where even the existence of so many women painters has always been denied.
Simone de Beauvoir -
There has to be a certain relationship between the life and the writing style, and that is really a problem.
Simone de Beauvoir -
Anyway I know only too well that all life is nothing but a brief reprieve from death.
Simone de Beauvoir
On the evenings when my parents held parties, the drawing-room mirrors multiplied to infinity the scintillations of a crystal chandelier. Mama would take her seat at the grand piano to accompany a lady dressed in a cloud of tulle who played the violin and a cousin who performed on a cello. I would crack between my teeth the candied shell of an artificial fruit, and a burst of light would illuminate my palate with a taste of blackcurrant or pineapple: all the colours, all the lights were mine, the gauzy scarves, the diamonds, the laces; I held the whole party in my mouth.
Simone de Beauvoir -
Eating, sleeping, cleaning - the years no longer rise up toward heaven, they lie spread out ahead, gray and identical. The battle against dust and dirt is never won. Washing, ironing, sweeping, ferreting out rolls of lint from under wardrobes - all this halting of decay is also the denial of life; for time simultaneously creates and destroys, and only its negative aspect concerns the housekeeper.
Simone de Beauvoir -
I had never believed in the sacred nature of literature. God had died when I was fourteen.
Simone de Beauvoir -
Immortality is a terrible curse.
Simone de Beauvoir -
One is not born, but rather becomes, a woman. No biological, psychological, or economic fate determines the figure that the human female presents in society; it is civilization as a whole that produces this creature, intermediate between male and eunuch, which is described as feminine.
Simone de Beauvoir -
I think that Freud understood absolutely nothing about women - as he himself said.
Simone de Beauvoir
It's so easy to be mistaken about the future. Sometimes there are avant-gardes which believe themselves to be the avant-garde and which later find themselves to be absolutely dated.
Simone de Beauvoir -
She was not to look beyond herself for the meaning of her life.
Simone de Beauvoir -
Literature in France seems to be undergoing a crisis now, and nothing comes immediately to mind.
Simone de Beauvoir -
I never thought of myself as being in the avant-garde. I said what I had to say, as I was able to say it.
Simone de Beauvoir