The hardest portion of English, I must say it: Idioms.
When I see things that are inspiring, I must write a song about it. Some people make a t-shirt or slap something on a wall with paint, but I must make music and freestyle rap.
I am a crazy Maverick fan. I would go there if Dallas was a great entertainment center.
More exposure has give to me more discipline because I am seeing that more people are wanting to observe what I am making/filming/singing; this does motivate me to make videos for every week.
I wrote a techno song about the four things I love in Germany to make myself happy, which are my grandfather, my two poodle pets, bread, and a strange but delicious Turkish dish called Doener Kebab.
I am a musician who also does love to explore the world in many ways, so my approaching with my songs, videos, and haikus is: 'Make It Real.'
I like to make my name of songs strange.
Dirk Nowitzki has been my hero for many years.
Sometimes you have to exercise your insanity, to really make it strong.
I love to work with performers that are very different to me.
I think many people are finding things I do very funny and strange.
I really like the Doors. I like Kevin Spacey, Bruce Springsteen, Will Farrell, Reggie Watts, Tina Turner, who is also very hot, Tracy Chapman. Beethoven.
I wrote a techno song after I was deported. I was in America for a little bit, but then I was deported back to Germany. I was very sad.
Dirk is like the German Moses, invincible and inspiring. That is why 'His Name Is Dirk' must be the Official Fan Song for Dirk Nowitzki.