If you chase something too desperately, it eludes you.
I try to not make safe choices, but I also like to do stuff which is interesting and is sort of exciting in some way and accessible.
Even great people are always slightly disappointing, which is generally what makes them interesting.
Actors say they do their own stunts for the integrity of the film but I did them because they looked like a lot of fun.
The great thing is that the funny side of getting old is fuel for my comedy.
If you do something very successful, you will then be defined by it.
I've always been drawn to discomfort and that limbo of unease you get between comedy and tragedy.
Comedy is unique in the sense that laughter is a palpable noise that everyone makes.
Big comedy is good, I like things that are big, but good comedy has to be truthful I think and has to reflect some sort of reality.
I did not become successful in my work through embracing or engaging in celebrity culture. I never signed away my privacy in exchange for success.