The conversation limped along this line of thought much like a zombie: lifeless and mindless and making a jelly of whatever healthy brains were within its reach.
The only bombshells that strike my fancy are the ones that will free the proletariat from the shackles of wage slavery.
“You’re all so quick to point out what you can’t do. The time has come to learn what you can.
Failure is but the longer road to triumph.
I'm American. Very American. Like, I-might-have-biscuits-and-sausage-gravy-for-dinner American.
Nobody in this town writes dialogue that bad on purpose. Not unless they've got a hidden agenda…or maybe a contract with Universal.
I like zombies; I like them fine. But I don't have a long list of zombie movies or books that are among my favorite things in the world.
Without Leonard Nimoy, there would have been no 'Star Trek' phenomenon. And without 'Star Trek'... well, that's a parallel universe most of us probably wouldn't want to visit.