The skin of the coward changes color all the time, he can't get a grip on himself, he can't sit still, he squats and rocks, shifting his weight from foot to foot, his heart racing, pounding inside the fellow's ribs, his teeth chattering. He dreads some grisly death. But the skin of a brave soldier never blanches. He's all control. Tense but no great fear.
Once harm has been done, even a fool understands it.
Ruin, eldest daughter of Zeus, she blinds us all, that fatal madness—she with those delicate feet of hers, never touching the earth, gliding over the heads of men to trap us all. She entangles one man, now another.
A woman is a lot like a refrigerator. Six feet tall, 300 pounds...it makes ice.
We are quick to flare up, we races of men on the earth.
If not yet lost to all the sense of shame.
Everything flows and nothing stays.
She sent him a warm and gentle wind, and Lord Odysseus was happy as he set his sails to catch the breeze. He sat beside the steering oar and used his skill to steer the raft.
There is satiety in all things, in sleep, and love-making, in the loveliness of singing and the innocent dance.
It's about time trees were good for something, instead of just standing there like jerks!
By Jove the stranger and the poor are sent, and what to those we give, to Jove is lent.
What is this word that broke through the fence of your teeth, Atreides?
The information superhighway showed the average person what some nerd thinks about Star Trek.
A man's life breath cannot come back again-- no raiders in force, no trading brings it back, once it slips through a man's clenched teeth.
Oh, my tattered rags are caught on your coffee table.
It is not strength, but art, obtains the prize, And to be swift is less than to be wise.
Jove lifts the golden balances that show The fates of mortal men, and things below.
Too dear I prized a fair enchanting face: beauty unchaste is beauty in disgrace.
Hateful to me as are the gates of hell, Is he who, hiding one thing in his heart, Utters another.
Do I know what rhetorical means?