Never make any reference to the other person's family. "You're just like your - " because that is out, completely.
Whenever I'm broadcasting, I like it. When I'm broadcasting I can't wait to hear what I say.
Being a kid myself, I loved playing and I loved playing with words, and making up things and riddles and songs and not afraid of being silly in public.
The Supreme Court gives corporations the same rights as a human being. It's absurd. You can't do that.
Here am I, a human being and that has a body that is getting old. And I only have one, I can't trade it in.
Democracy to me is letting the other person speak and being dissenting without being disagreeable.
I failed everything in school. I left when I was 13 because I had no comprehension of what the hell they were talking about up there at the blackboard. I must have that ADD thing. But, listening to people I thought, that's wonderful to be able to tell a story.
I see the way I look upon organized religion, I was a victim of that of mythology, and of cruelty, and all the absurd stuff.
That's my punishment in hell, shoveling horseshit.
I would like to do away with all kind of - all weapons. A dream - totally. Including the bow an arrow.
To me a saint is a severely edited sinner. That's what I think.
I am an alcoholic, as I said. And it is however we call it, a disease. That's an explanation, but not an excuse.
Conservatism is not a political ideology, it is a severe form of brain damage for which there's hardly any cure.
Corporations can deduct their planes, all their office expenses, their machinery, their computers and Teleprompters and whatever else they have. They can deduct their yachts, they can deduct their limousines, their planes, everything.
Alcoholism is a dread, an awful, and fatal disease.
The future has to do with fear. Don't attempt to come up here. Don't attempt to go forward, you were nobody, you are nobody, and you'll always be nothing, so don't even think about coming here because if you do, something awful will happen to you.
I tell my children, shut up and let me speak. What I've learned, I have been married for 45 years and in my own family It is that I've learned to stop being judgmental, to listen.
When I'm writing in long hand, it just goes on and on and on. When I was in the saloon business, I would just greet people and talk to them and avoid taxes, and getting behind the bar. What else.
Organized religions have all the facets of organized crime, except the compassion of organized crime.
That's one part of oppression is to make sure you are a shameful, shamed human being. That takes care of the past.
I've been sober for 25. And every day I am very grateful that I don't drink.
I stay in the present, so I don't know about the future.
My purpose in life always has been to avoid work. And I hear these people saying, "I work hard and I pay my taxes." Well, you're an asshole.
To be Irish today is the abandonment of shame and the younger people are moving it out and they're moving the fear away. They're not afraid, they're adventurous.