Actors have to stay ready and be ready. They need to adjust things in their life, whether it be hair, teeth, take the time to do that.
Whitney won't ever even know what it's like to be 50. Whitney will never know what it's like to be 50. She died before she was 50. So there's nothing to be ashamed of. You should be proud of your age.
God has created you and be proud of it. Don't hide from your age. Don't lie about it. Don't be ashamed of it and don't let nobody make you feel ashamed because you're aging in the world. It's a privilege. God has blessed you. Michael Jackson, Prince, Whitney, they'll never know what it's like to be 60. They'll never know that.
I get hired to be a certain character, but I cannot change my look especially since I have been in the business this long. I can't gain 20 pounds and wonder why I am not working anymore or I'd have to transition into other types of roles. You have to take care of yourself and be vigilant.
I realized that a dancer's life is very short and I had so much of a creative energy in me that I needed outlets to do other things so that's when I started acting more and it all kind of blended together. When you're on stage you're acting and you're dancing, it started blended together now.
Even when something does not go my way, I get up and fight, that is what keeps me going.
Don't be ashamed of your age. You've lived a long time. You've learned a lot. Tout you knowledge. Be proud of your experience. Be proud of who you've become. Don't hide, and don't be ashamed like, "Oh my God. I'm nearly turning 50," or, "I'm turning 60. Shhh, don't tell nobody."
My motto is: look your best, feel your best, but most of all, be your best at any age.
You have to control things, especially with the social media, because once it's out there, it's out there. And that becomes the fact.
Shameless is a show I would watch even if I wasn’t on it, it’s my kind of show.
Anytime anybody asks you to do anything that is celebrating you or highlighting your life, just the fact that they cared enough about me, who am I to say no? It's a form of flattery to me and I take those things seriously, because in the long run, people don't have to care about you.
If something scares you, you run toward it, not away from it.