That's very hard to define. I guess, commitment. I don't believe in love at first sight. I'm in love with my wife, but I don't always feel the same level of love. Your emotions go up and down. The strongest love is between family members, and ultimately, it boils down to commitment.
I never had a real job, you know, I always knew I was destined for stardom. That's tongue in cheek by the way in case you haven't noticed.
I've always felt that I inherited an old soul, and I've tried to live my life with equality and balance. I do not, nor have I ever, considered myself anything any more or any less than a musician, and I cringe at the term 'rock star'. I suppose I'd like to be known as more than a hard rock guitarist. That was my purpose and ambition twenty years ago and there's been a lot of growth since.
Paid my phone bill. I had to borrow seven times what it was to pay the bill.
Being a songwriter, singer, and a great part of a unit is more important than being Joe Guitar Hero.
Before we became engaged, my wife was having surgery to have her spleen removed. I drove to the hospital and got into her bed so she would get up next to me before the surgery.
My 22nd birthday, live at the Philadelphia Spectrum with Dio. Tobruk was recording and invited us over for a very wild party.
These are very difficult times for new artists. Back in the day, a hit song could really seep into a person's DNA with radio and MTV. A hit today is not the same as a hit twenty years ago. Now there is so much competition, it is very hard to reach the people. The music scene is so overly saturated. There are no gatekeepers like there used to be.
The Internet has definitely opened doors and leveled the playing field for musicians.
With Dio, my first time to Japan, middle of summer, and it was rainy, hot, humid. We went on at 2 AM after Foreigner and Sting and there were a couple of Japanese bands before us. Mama's Boys went on at the crack of dawn. They were serving breakfast backstage.
I don't know how anyone could vote Republican. It's so obvious that their only interest is keeping the rich rich.
I'm a big, big blues fan and the last several years I've really invested in the blues a lot, and I think my playing is getting better because of it - not necessarily better on a technical level, but certainly on a level of appropriateness.
Technology has made it much easier to make and manipulate music. Studio-driven, machine-driven music does not always transcend into being a good live act. Many current acts are great live, but many cannot cut it live. The music is not organic.
I actually knew I was going to be perfect for Def Leppard, sorry I hate to say that but I knew it.
I therefore consider it a great privilege to be part of a band who, as a fan, I have watched grown from young hopefuls to a bona fide rock institution.
I like my guitars to be kinda worn. I don't like it when they're all shiny.
Def Leppard is a rock band that can sing.
My wife is my ultimate sexual fantasy. But there was this cute sheep back in Arclove ...
Come Taste the Band. That was the only Deep Purple lineup I really liked. It was really funky and different for hard rock.
I don't have any guilt. Because I grew up Catholic and with so much guilt, I've worked hard at getting rid of it.
A goat's hoof, while on tour with Dio. Some weird chick thought we were into devil worship ... It was cold, wet and disgusting!
I really enjoyed South America last year but I think it's because of where my head was at. If your head's in the right place you can enjoy anywhere.
I don't have to try and be a comedian to fit in the band. It's such a comfortable vibe. Had I been born in Sheffield, I probably would have been in the original lineup.
I've never been that good with pickup lines. I'd always let them come to me. The great thing about being in a band is if you wanted to meet a girl, most likely they'd find you. You don't have to work too hard. I was always pretty polite. I'd always ask girls' permission to kiss them.