You are not qualified to minister but God is.
Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise
When you are in a place of fear, everything in you will want to run, but I challenge you to run to it. It will build your confident trust in Him when you see that the very place that fear is, is the same place that fear will be conquered. Be encouraged by what God did for Moses, Joshua, Daniel… and what He has done for me time and time again. When you let God lead, you might find yourself in some rather scary places, but remain steadfast in Him and confident that He will bring provision and fight on your behalf. It’s in those times that miracles happen and nations change.
I was becoming completely disgusted with the way fear was controlling my life. As I started hating the fear that consumed me, I also began to hate the person I was becoming because of it—and that was a major problem.
Living original means being confident that God made you in a really cool, unique way
Lord Jesus, I am in awe and wonder of who You are. I want to know more about You. I want to see more sides of You. Enlighten my mind to see a new side of Your holiness today. As I seek Your face, fuel my heart with passion and give me the strength to bypass my enemies to fulfill the purpose You have given me. Thank You, God, for bringing meaning to my life.
We worry so much about what people think of us and so we often don't stand up for what we believe in. And some people literally give their life for what they believe in. As a Christian, that is something I really admire. I want to be a part of spreading that message.
there's nothing wrong with starting small if you just keep going. You just take what you have, whether it's a little idea or a little bit of extra time or a little bit of money, and you make the most of it. You do the best you can with that little bit, and you keep working at it, and pretty soon it will grow. It might even get so big that the whole world knows about it someday.
The thing is, Jesus died for us so we should be able to die for Him. It is an important question to ask yourself.
I think people use fame as an excuse to lose their faith. Faith is obviously my number one priority and I think you need to put God at the top of everything you do.
If you respect your body enough to put modest clothes on, then more people will respect you as a person.
Happiness is a choice—a choice to be joyful, no matter what the circumstance.
After I became confident in Him it didn't matter what anyone said because I was confident in something and someone way bigger than myself.
No matter what you want to do, confidence is key!
I never want fear to stop me from doing anything else in my life. I never want fear to make me say no again. I never want fear to be even the slightest problem for me. And if I ever have just a tiny fearful thought, I want to be able to say no to it immediately.
Do not see the world as dark, see it as light. When you find darkness bring the light into it. The way to remove darkness is to shine light on it.
Anybody can quit. Only a real champion and a person of character and strength can keep going and refuse to give up.
If you know you need to take some kind of risk, then get your relationship with God strong and go for it. You will never know what you could have or experience in life unless you try. God made you an original. That means you are really special, and He has a really special plan for your life. You may have to risk something that currently feels secure in order to go after that plan, but with God's help, you may end up in an awesome situation if you'll just take the chance.
When we’re afraid, we have a tendency to pray and ask God for peace before we’ll step out and do what frightens us. But most of the time, we simply need to move forward.
Being kind makes you feel happy