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As I've said previously as home secretary, dealing with immigration isn't just a single issue and a single measure and a single step that you take. You've got to keep working at that over time.
Communities need to feel that they can accommodate people. Rather than feeling that it's not possible to integrate and that the stress and strain on housing and public services is too great.
I am willing to consider powers which would ban known hooligans from rallies and marches and I will look into the powers the police already have to force the removal of face coverings and balaclavas.
It's only by investing properly in our defense that we can ensure we're properly equipped to face our shared challenges together.
Obviously, given the objective that we have, what I would hope is that people would be able to see that actually we had reduced the numbers of people, the net number of people, coming into the country. People would, presumably, see that, but it's difficult to say how.
Today I can announce a raft of reforms that we estimate could save over 2.5 million police hours every year. That's the equivalent of more than 1,200 police officer posts. These reforms are a watershed moment in policing. They show that we really mean business in busting bureaucracy.
The concept of doing something with child benefit, of changing the rules around child benefit, is something that has been being discussed for some time.
I'm not sure I should reveal the sources of my clothes.
For voters what matters is what government actually delivers for them.
I think it's important to do a good job and not to feel that you've got to make grand gestures, but just to get on and deliver.
I know there are some voices calling for a punitive deal that punishes Britain. That would be an act of calamitous self-harm for the countries of Europe, and it would not be the act of a friend.
I will not allow a Delia Smith cookbook in my house! It's all so precise with Delia, and it makes cooking seem so inaccessible.
Not partial membership of the European Union or anything that leaves us half in, half out. No, the United Kingdom is leaving the European Union.
In seats where perhaps we don't expect to win at the next general election, the new infrastructure gives us a chance to win local council seats and to build a campaigning base which could help us to win in the future.
My pitch is very simple. I'm Theresa May and I think I'm the best person to be prime minister of this country.
People have to make journeys, what we want is people to have alternatives in public transport so that they can make a choice about the sort of way in which they're going to travel.
I have not watched WAGs World, I have not watched the BBC's Upstairs, Downstairs, either. It would be Downton Abbey, I think.
A lot of men in politics suddenly woke up to the issue of women in politics when they realised: hey, there are votes in this!
Uncontrolled, mass immigration displaces British workers, forces people onto benefits, and suppresses wages for the low-paid.
There is nothing inevitable about crime and there is nothing inevitable about anti-social behaviour.
I'm convinced that a trade deal between the U.S. and the U.K. is in the national interest of both countries and will cement the crucial relationship that exists between us, particularly as the U.K. leaves the European Union and reaches out to the world.
I want to see an open and tolerant society here in the United Kingdom, I want to see a country that works for everyone whatever their background.
The Conservative Party's always stood in every seat and I think it's important to us and I’m personally very pleased that we plan to continue to run candidates in Northern Ireland as well.
And it is crucial of course that chief constables are able to make decisions within their budgets about how they deploy their police officers to the greatest effect to ensure that they're able to do the job that the public want them to do.