Strive for the Hereafter according to how long you shall remain there, and strive for this world according to how long you shall remain here.
Those who criticize the most typically end up solving the least.
It is not arrogance to appreciate what Allah has blessed you with; arrogance is to ascribe those blessings to yourself.
Neither happiness nor grief are everlasting in this life - but one of the two is everlasting in the next. Which one do you want?
One of the bitterest ironies of life is that one truly appreciates a blessing only after having been deprived of it or imagining that.
Sincerity causes the smallest of good deeds to become the largest.
Superficial knowledge breeds arrogance; true knowledge induces humility.
All too often people concentrate on finding the right spouse, little realizing that half of any marriage is being the right spouse.