I am not somebody who just likes to run. I am a runner. This is the difference between a pastime and a passion. I like to play golf, but I am not a golfer. I like to cook, but I am not a chef. I don't just like to run. I am a runner. It is a passion. It is part of who I am and is woven into the fabric of my personality, character, and psyche.
For something to hurt that bad, and feel so good, it's just inexplicable.
You are truly your own hero in running. It is up to you to have the responsibility and self-discipline to get the job done.
One of the first lessons running teaches us about success in athletics and in life is that there is no one else. No one else can do your workouts for you. You alone must do the drills, repeat the core exercises, stretch, and lift the weights. You cannot hire someone else to do your cross-training when you are battling injury, or pay someone to run a race and get you a new PR. You are truly your own hero in running. It is up to you to have the responsibility and self-discipline to get the job done.
Two inescapable facts greet us every day that we are lucky enough to wake up. First, someday we will die. And second, we are not dead yet.
I love controlling a race, chewing up an opponent. Let's get down and dirty. Let's fight it out. It's raw, animalistic, with no one to rely on but yourself. There's no better feeling than that.
Without initiative, or the capacity to act, to make things happen or just to do something, we run the risk of living passive lives waiting for things to happen. We wait for opportunities instead of making them. We wait for love, for our big break, for a problem to disappear. We are waiting for our lives to live us, instead of going out and living our lives with purpose and action.