A line, once crossed, can never be uncrossed.
One of the blessings that comes with parental territory is that children tug you into experiences you're pretty sure you'd never otherwise contemplate.
God enters the world through those of us who are willing to let God participate fully in our lives.
Who one believes God to be is most accurately revealed not in any credo but in the way one speaks to God when no one else is listening.
God is no White Knight who charges into the world to pluck us like distressed damsels from the jaws of dragons, or diseases. God chooses to become present to and through us. It is up to us to rescue one another.
Writing is not, alas, like riding a bicycle: it does not get easier with practice.
Poor and afflicted and oppressed people have faces, and we are required to look squarely into them. We can't love what we won't experience.
My writing arises out of erotic impulse toward an other: it is an act of love. And I want terribly to be loved in return, as a sign that I have loved well enough.
The fact is that ours is the only minority you can join involuntarily, without warning, at any time. And if you live long enough, as you're increasingly likely to do, you may well join it.
From the moment of birth, at every level, human beings who are more alike than different become polarized into two absolutely exclusive classes with very different and ill-distributed symbolic powers.