That something is not impossible does not mean that it happened.
Napoleon was later to comment that it was better to have one bad commander than two good ones with shared authority.
It is common for those who flourish under any system to feel that the failure of others is deserved.
The story of the fifth century was one of the exploitation of imperial weakness. Thus the Western Empire died.
Then as in so many periods, notoriety was more desirable for a politician than obscurity.
A man who keeps asking you to trust him is always hiding something.
For what is the life of a man, if it is not interwoven with the life of former generations by as sense of history.
Personal hatreds and rivalry loomed larger in most senator's minds than the good of the Republic.
Roman women kept their name throughout their lives, and did not change it on marriage.
Quite openly, voters selected on the basis of perceived character and past behaviour rather than the views a candidate expressed. Where an individual’s nature was not obvious, the Roman people tended to be drawn to a famous name, for there was a sense that virtue and ability were inherited.