Everything that happened to you is a page that's been turned and is done with.
If you can't find good in your own country, you won't find it anywhere else.
Illiteracy does not impede the practice of democracy, as witnessed by the success of democracy in India despite the high illiteracy rate. One doesn't need a university diploma to realize that the ruler is oppressive and corrupt. On the other hand, to eradicate illiteracy requires that we elect a fair and efficient political regime.
Nationalities are a facist way of thinking aimed at forcing people into a narrow and stupid sense of belonging. It makes some people feel superior to others and perpetuates hatred and war.
Egyptians are like camels: they can put up with beatings, humiliation and starvation for a long time but when they rebel they do so suddenly and with a force that is impossible to control.
A racist is just an ignorant man afraid of people who are different from him.
A mother loves her children unconditionally. However they wrong her, she'll carry on loving them.
I am according to my slave's expectations of me: if good, then good, and if bad, then bad.
The concept of the benevolent dictator, just like the concepts of the noble thief or the honest whore, is no more than a meaningless fantasy.
A fascinating book and a great pleasure to read: Betool Khedairi is a talented new voice in fiction.
Revolution is like a love story. When you are in love, you become a much better person. And when you are in revolution, you become a much better person.