Sheer animated fantasy is still my first and deepest production impulse.
Walt Disney -
Perhaps Bach and Beethoven are strange bedfellows for Mickey Mouse, but it's all been a lot of fun.
Walt Disney
I don't pose as an authority on anything at all, I follow the opinions of the ordinary people I meet, and I take pride in the close-knit teamwork with my organization.
Walt Disney -
Many of the things that seem impossible now will become realities tomorrow.
Walt Disney -
I take great pride in the artistic development of cartoons. Our characters are made to go through emotions.
Walt Disney -
No matter what the provocation, I never fire a man who is honestly trying to deliver a job. Few workers who become established at the Disney Studio ever leave voluntarily or otherwise, and many have been on the payroll all their working lives.
Walt Disney -
The past can hurt. But the way I see it, you can either run from it, or learn from it.
Walt Disney -
I have a great love of animals and laughter.
Walt Disney
I don't believe in playing down to children, either in life or in motion pictures. I didn't treat my own youngsters like fragile flowers, and I think no parent should.
Walt Disney -
Any dream is possible, if you have courage.
Walt Disney -
Why do we have to grow up? I know more adults who have the children's approach to life. They're people who don't give a hang what the Joneses do. You see them at Disneyland every time you go there. They are not afraid to be delighted with simple pleasures, and they have a degree of contentment with what life has brought - sometimes it isn't much, either.
Walt Disney -
Just remember, it all started with a mouse.
Walt Disney -
I never look back, darling. It distracts from the now.
Walt Disney -
All right. I'm corny. But I think there's just about a-hundred-and-forty-million people in this country that are just as corny as I am.
Walt Disney
The era we are living in today is a dream of coming true.
Walt Disney -
Happiness is a state of mind. You can be happy or you can be unhappy.
Walt Disney -
No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come true.
Walt Disney -
Everyone has to contribute, or they become laborers.
Walt Disney -
Family fun is as necessary to modern living as a kitchen refrigerator.
Walt Disney -
People look at me in many ways. They've said, 'The guy has no regard for money.' That is not true. I have had regard for money. It depends on who's saying that. Some people worship money as something you've got to have piled up in a big pile somewhere. I've only thought about money in one way, and that is to do something with it. I don't think there's a thing I own that I will ever get the benefit of except through doing things with it. I don't even want the dividends from the stock in the studio, because the government's going to take it away. I'd rather have that in (the company) working.
Walt Disney
I am in no sense of the word a great artist, not even a great animator; I have always had men working for me whose skills were greater than my own. I am an idea man.
Walt Disney -
All of our dreams can come true...
Walt Disney -
Always fight for quality, whether giving or receiving.
Walt Disney -
We love to entertain kings and queens, but at Disneyland, everyone is a V.I.P.
Walt Disney