Only the fresh revolutionary storms were strong enough to sweep away hoary prejudices against woman and only the productive-working people is able to effect the complete equalization and liberation of woman by building a new society.
I wanted to be free. I wanted to express desires on my own, to shape my own little life.
The issue was to wage a struggle against the war, against coalescence with the liberal bourgeoisie, and for the power of the workers' councils, the Soviets.
If I have attained something in this world, it was not my personal qualities that originally brought this about. Rather my achievements are only a symbol of the fact that woman, after all, is already on the march to general recognition.
I've read enough novels to know just how much time & energy it takes to fall in love and I just don't have the time.
I stood close to the materialist conception of history, since in early womanhood I had inclined towards the realistic school.
Not a single one of the men who were close to me has ever had a direction-giving influence on my inclinations, strivings, or my world-view. On the contrary, most of the time I was the guiding spirit. I acquired my view of life, my political line from life itself, and in uninterrupted study from books.
Some third person decides your fate: this is the whole essence of bureaucracy.
I could not lead a happy, peaceful life when the working population was so terribly enslaved.
My life was as crammed with strenuous work and highly interesting experiences alike.
I never gave a thought to any kind of danger, being all too engrossed in matters of an utterly different character.
I stand on the threshold of new missions and life is making new demands upon me. No matter what further tasks I shall be carrying out, it is perfectly clear to me that the complete liberation of the working woman and the creation of the foundation of a new sexual morality will always remain the highest aim of my activity, and of my life.
Sexuality is a human instinct as natural as hunger or thirst.
I revolted against this marriage of convenience, this marriage for money and wanted to marry only for love, out of a great passion.