Evil in many cases is a matter of perspective, and society tends to villainize things they don't understand (such as female independence). Sometimes true evil isn't understood until it's too late, but sometimes, if we're lucky, it is immortalized as a lesson for others.
I still listen to tracks sometimes and hear some of the harmonies and its just amazing.
He was right. You are an angel. But even an angel has to put her halo down from time to time.
Parents, family, and friends tell you that you can be whatever you want to be. But what they really mean is whatever you want as long as it fits in their neat, little box. And for a woman exercising her command, that box is restrictive as hell. Destroy that box and the horse it rode in on. Light it on fire for good measure. Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
Hiding doesn’t bother you. If believers never see God’s face, why should they see yours?
And sometimes the princess needs to get off her ass, pick up a sword, and slay the dragon herself.
Even as he looks upon your face, masked with flesh so rotten it’s gone charcoal black, he calls you an angel. This is a first. You’ve been called a god for your power and you’ve been called the devil for your fierceness, but you’ve never been called an angel for your services.
Then the evil presence steals her innocence, and she is blamed for his actions. I mean, come on. I couldn’t help but feel that this story is a reflection of modern views of rape: blaming the victim instead of prosecuting the villain.
Your body is a wonderland of terror and fear-inducing proportions. Forget the strictures of the male gaze. Dress to impress or cause extreme distress. If other people’s bodies are temples, yours is a war machine with built-in booby traps, baby.
No relationship is perfect and no human being is perfect.