I have faith in the jury system.
I don't believe love goes away just because you're buried in a casket.
As a prosecutor, I got a paycheck for coming to work every day. I didn't get a promotion when I won, and I didn't get a demotion when I did a bad job.
I do not favor the gag order.
I really like my doctors. Some of them I love. I trust them.
Listen, when somebody says, 'I take the fifth,' well, you know, they did something, OK? Why else would they take the fifth?
With every story that TV covers, somebody - some corporation, some shareholders - are making money. That's true whether covering Libya, Iraq, the tsunami in Japan, Osama bin Laden, whatever story there is. That day, the shareholders are making money off it. Every newspaper that's sold, somebody's making a dime.
Court TV will always hold a special place in my heart, and I will always look back at my time there with great gratitude and affection.
You see, some lawyers have the talent, have the charisma, but no discipline. They come into court unprepared, without having done their research.
To suggest that you can't be both a mother who is completely in love with her babies, and a professional who is tough and tenacious, is ridiculous.
I don't like juries having the wool pulled over their eyes. I don't think that's what the Constitution is about.
I have 'To Kill A Mockingbird' signed by Harper Lee. That is my prized possession.
I think all politicians lie.
After I lost my fiance, it seemed like it would be better to always be alone than to risk being hurt again.
I'm on a search for the truth.
It's hard for me to believe someone could harm a child.
My father was a railroad man his entire life; 43 years for Southern Railroad.
I often get too emotionally involved in my cases.
I was in the courtroom prosecuting violent felonies for well over a decade.
I always thought that was one of the single most important things a prosecutor could do is to seek justice for the families of victims.
Well, of course I think people can be forgiven. But our justice system is not set up to dispense forgiveness. You can go to the local priest for that.
Look, the justice system is made up of people. People have faults. It's not perfect.
I would have liked to personally have prosecuted Scott Peterson.
I majored in Shakespearean studies at a very tiny school in Georgia.