I can usually judge a fellow by what he laughs at.
Wilson Mizner -
I've had ample contact with lawyers, and I'm convinced that the only fortune they ever leave is their own.
Wilson Mizner
A good party is where you enjoy good people, and they taste even better with Champagne.
Wilson Mizner -
The most efficient water power in the world - women's tears.
Wilson Mizner -
Gambling: The sure way of getting nothing for something.
Wilson Mizner -
There is something about a closet that makes a skeleton terribly restless.
Wilson Mizner -
A fellow who is always declaring that he's no fool, usually has his suspicions.
Wilson Mizner -
The day which we fear as our last is but the bday of eternity. - By SenecaThe first hundred years are the hardest.
Wilson Mizner
A drama critic is a person who surprises the playwright by informing him what he meant.
Wilson Mizner -
The cuckoo who is on to himself is halfway out of the clock.
Wilson Mizner -
In the battle of existence, Talent is the punch; Tact is the clever footwork.
Wilson Mizner -
He's a trellis for varicose veins.
Wilson Mizner -
If you count all your assets you always show a profit.
Wilson Mizner -
Florida was invented for Addison Mizner's little brother.
Wilson Mizner
Do not be desirous of having things done quickly. Do not look at small advantages. Desire to have things done quickly prevents their being done thoroughly. Looking at small advantages prevents great affairs from being accomplished.
Wilson Mizner -
Easy street is a blind alley.
Wilson Mizner -
A slave has but one master. An ambition man, has as many as there are people who helped him get his fortune.
Wilson Mizner -
Don't talk about yourself; it will be done when you leave.
Wilson Mizner -
The best way to keep your friends is not to give them away.
Wilson Mizner -
Hollywood is a sewer with service from the Ritz Carlton.
Wilson Mizner
I want a priest, a rabbi and a Protestant minister. I want to hedge my bets.
Wilson Mizner -
The most pitiful human ailment is a birdseed heart.
Wilson Mizner -
Some of the greatest love affairs I've known have involved one actor-unassisted.
Wilson Mizner -
The gent who wakes up and finds himself a success hasn't been asleep.
Wilson Mizner