A loss of any kind is horrible. Not because it takes away, but because it makes you believe- in newspapers, in tomatoes, in empty whiskey bottles.
A bride had been violated on that most sacred of nights. But what about ordinary women on ordinary nights? Or indecent women, perhaps, like sex workers? Or hijras? What happened when less-than-ordinary souls got violated? Why not create a furor then? Why let their pain slide away like rainwater into a gutter?
The rubies are so pink, pink itself will stare in disbelief.
The world can be changed not by ending suffering, but by a more judicious distribution of it.
Chamdi is always uncomfortable when he asks for something. Each morning, all the children collect in this prayer room and, instead of praying, they close their eyes and make demands. Chamdi does not feel this is real prayer. To him, real prayer means sending a bright thought, like "Thank you" or "I love you", too heaven. That is prayer. The moment you ask for something, the prayer room becomes a marketplace.
At least a bank robber uses his arms to steal money. I am using money to steal an arm.