To be genetically correct, man needs a modern version of a Neo-Paleolithic diet, a diet that's based on his current genetic makeup. That's exactly what a Zone-favorable diet is: a diet that is synergistic with mankind's genetic structure, which has changed very little in the last 100,000 years.
Always drink at least 8 ounces of water or a sugar-free decaffeinated beverage with every meal or snack. If you are a heavy caffeine user, gradually reduce caffeine intake to zero whenever possible.
Maintain a beneficial ratio of protein to carbohydrate every time you eat. This one simple rule is the foundation for constructing a Zone-favorable diet. And what is that beneficial ratio of protein to carbohydrate? The ideal is about 0.75—that's three grams of protein to every four grams of carbohydrate. That's the ideal. But there's a range of beneficial protein-to-carbohydrate ratios that are still Zone-favorable—between about 0.6 and 1.0 see.
Luckily, you don't have to inject growth hormone to burn fat and build muscle. All you have to do is train anaerobically. But you do have to understand that you only begin to exercise anaerobically when you are at levels in excess of 90 percent of your maximum heart rate. This is pretty hard work. It's also why world-class sprinters and swimmers are heavily muscled and at the same time very lean—they train anaerobically.
Surprisingly, the second group of individuals who tend to be protein malnourished are elite athletes—especially women. Their protein demands are often exceedingly high because of their greater amounts of lean body mass and higher levels of physical activity. These hard-working athletes tend to consume more than enough calories, but they rarely eat adequate levels of protein.
That's why the recent popularity of juicing (the removal of fiber from fruits to make easy-to-drink juices) has been a disaster. Juicing simply removes a primary control rod (i.e., fiber) from the carbohydrate, meaning that the carbohydrate enters the bloodstream too fast.
To control your hormones is to control your life.
Eating a slice of white bread is like eating pure sugar.