Enforcement efforts should focus on aggressive prosecution of bad actors under existing anti-fraud laws rather than imposing costly and largely ineffective procedural requirements on all public companies.
The PCAOB and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act raise unconstitutional barriers to needed liquidity, discourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and hinder U.S. competitiveness by denying access to needed capital. The high cost of compliance that disproportionately affects smaller public companies is having long-term exponential negative implications for our economy.
The fundamental goal of Republicans and Democrats is to get themselves re-elected.
New York is not going to be a foreign place to me. They didn't revoke my visa.
The PCAOB is an unaccountable, unconstitutional regulatory body. It's the poster child for the dangers of a runaway bureaucracy.
It is now clear that the costly regulatory burdens imposed by this legislation absolutely outweigh its benefits. The PCAOB and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act raise unconstitutional barriers to needed liquidity, discourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and hinder U.S. competitiveness by denying access to needed capital. Further, the high cost of compliance that disproportionately affects smaller public companies is having long-term, exponential negative implications for our economy.
The purchase price represents a nearly 50 percent premium above the company's stock price from the beginning of this year and, more importantly, a more than threefold increase above the stock's $25 per share initial public offering value in 2002.
Sarbanes-Oxley costs the American people money. It costs jobs. It costs our competitiveness. It hurts our markets.
With a recent University of Rochester study concluding that the total effect of Sarbanes-Oxley has reduced the stock value of American companies by a staggering $1.4 trillion dollars, it is now clear that the costly regulatory burdens imposed by this legislation absolutely outweigh its benefits. The PCAOB and the Sarbanes-Oxley Act raise unconstitutional barriers to needed liquidity, discourage entrepreneurship and innovation, and hinder U.S. competitiveness by denying access to needed capital. Further, the high cost of compliance that disproportionately affects smaller public companies is having long-term, exponential negative implications for our economy.
Our board is not compensated and not staffed. We've never taken $1 in expenses. We look at this as public service.
The critical goals of solid internal controls and transparent financial reporting are better achieved by a free and unfettered capital market rather than by burdensome regulation. Enforcement efforts should focus on aggressive prosecution of bad actors under existing anti-fraud laws rather than imposing costly and largely ineffective procedural requirements on all public companies.
He's reaching out to all of us. He may not be winning converts, but he's making gains.
The board is insulated in a wide range from any control from presidential oversight, from Congress.
After completing our own due diligence, we voted both offers down unanimously, ... fair.