If you had a large vase with a big crack down the middle of it, a Japanese art museum would put the vase on a pedestal and shine a spotlight on the crack!
A soulmate is someone you can completely be yourself with. Someone with whom you share unconditional love and when you look into each other's eyes, you know that you are home.
Acceptance and its counterpart, understanding, are crucial to achieving relationship harmony. It is sacred love, the highest form of love, and like most things worth striving for in life, it requires patience, commitment, personal responsibility, and practice.
I believe the word "perfection" should be changed to "pure fiction" - it's just not possible!
Just as a seed grows with the warmth of the sun, so our positive qualities grow when we put our attention on them.
The universal Law of Attraction states that we draw to us those people, events, and circumstances that match our inner state of being. In other words, we attract experiences that are consistent with our beliefs. If we believe that there is plenty of love in the world and we are worthy of giving and receiving that love, we will attract a different quality of relationships than someone who believes in scarcity or feels unworthy of happiness.
When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soulmate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life.
Imagine how great you will feel when you know your partner loves all of you, all the time. The good, the bad, and everything in between!
Just like you, your partner wants to be loved for who they are, in spite of their shortcomings. Make an effort to let them know they are loved, even if some of their behavior is not. Work towards co-creative solutions.
Seeking perfection just ends up creating ridiculous amounts of stress and disappointment.