For the nation to live, the tribe must die.
The main fight of Frelimo is against human exploitation.
It is essential to link enterprises on the basis of objective laws of a socialist economy and legal system.
Salaries and wages must reflect the reality of the enterprise's economic performance; deviations from the planned performance should be reflected in pay.
Economic, social, and other kinds of regional cooperation are not possible so long as there is apartheid. Therefore, it seems the duty of all mankind to destroy it.
Mozambique and Zimbabwe must bring into being a new force in Malawi. We must not allow South Africa to set the course in Malawi... The victory is being planned... It demands cold-bloodedness.
The state must be the first to be organized and totally committed to serving the interests of the people.
We say that our objective is to conquer complete independence, to install a people's power, to construct a new society without exploitation, for the benefit of all those who feel themselves to be Mozambicans.
The Catholic Church was the church of the colonial fascist regime.
The rich man's dog gets more in the way of vaccination, medicine and medical care than do the workers upon whom the rich man's wealth is built.
There are more than 200,000 people in Maputo who are nothing more than parasites.
Your life continues in those who continue the revolution.
Our power creates collective production in the service of the people and the revolution, destroys exploiting production, transforms individualistic producers into producers integrated into the collectivity.
The state, the state apparatus, is not an abstraction.
Of all the things we have done, the most important - the one that history will record as the principal contribution of our generation - is that we understand how to turn the armed struggle into a Revolution; that we realized that it was essential to create a new mentality to build a new society.
To Africanize colonial and capitalist power would destroy the meaning of our struggle.