Her album is very much what she wanted to say, and it's funny going through the process with her and knowing what these songs are about and watching her mature into what she is now an artist as opposed to an 'American Idol' winner, ... That was probably the most fun I've had on a session. She was so much fun and very laid-back, but very sincere.
I was horribly depressed, and I felt like I had failed as a band leader, a professional, as a person.
We'll just drink and go on.
I don't even have a jeep, let alone a bomb-proof jeep.
They were just unbelievable, how structured they were and her understanding of music, which is not something you would expect from a pop artist. She had these ideas already in place for songs; all I really had to do was build music around them and develop them. It was quite easy.
Something tells me a bomb would pretty much take our bus out.
It's weird when you open up Billboard because you see your name next to 50 Cent and Madonna. I mean, 50 Cent who I grew up on for the last month.
I definitely want to do worldwide, ... but hopefully with a better sound system.
Don't try to fix me, I'm not broken.
After leaving Evanescence, I dealt with a lot of sh--, then being diagnosed as bipolar, and my heavy drug use and rehab ... this record went through all that with me, so making it was a complete catharsis, ... I'm focusing on me and getting the unhealthy things out of my life, which isn't always an easy thing to do, but that's been my main focus right now. I'm still on a journey, you know, but I'm a lot happier now. I can sleep easier.
Amy Lee's little brother has epilepsy, so it kind of hits close to home for me.
She's not that attractive. I mean, she was hard to look at at first, but I figured, rough around the edges, but she can sing good.
Now it's cool to like Kelly Clarkson, so I'm in the clear, ... She's kind of popular now.
I used to do the rap, but people could not handle my flow.
We have faith in the people who support us. If they really like us, they're going to want to be cool enough to buy our music, and realize that if they don't, the record label gets our first-born child.
That's the most rock-and-roll story in the world. No one can top it.