I think Destiny's purpose is merely to shock us at moments into a state of awareness; those moments are milestones in between which we have to find our own way.
There were vast spaces in which his spirit could reach out, touching this, possessing that, of a million crowding sensations, but gradually at first, then rapidly, he had found himself reaching out to ever-receding mirages, alone in a void.
They sat behind a screen, and grunted and wheezed over sheets of brown paper that looked as if ink-dipped and intoxicated spiders had danced across them.
I grew up with the English language but not with the culture behind it. I was always outside that and deeply rooted in my own.
You’ll understand one day how murderous, how suicidal, individual isolation is. You’ll cry then, suffocated by our culture’s cannibal loving.
You tell yourself: I’ll be gone To some other land, some other sea, To a city far lovelier than this Could ever have been or hoped to be - … You will find no new lands, no other seas.
She had a nose that looked like an afterthought, not moulded into her face, but stuck on much as a child would model a face; and she was so thin it seemed her zeal for conversion had consumed her flesh.
I was taught from childhood of the sanctity of food. Not a piece of bread could be thrown away without kissing it and raising it to one's eyes as with all things holy.
The whole city was richer because he was in it, and every street, and turn of a road held the possibility of his appearance.
And writing in a foreign language, you come to realise how words create not only a single image but a series of images, so that if the image created in the mind of the writer is different from the image in the mind of the reader, there will not be complete understanding between them.