Richard Feynman Quotes
Outside of their particular area of expertise scientists are just as dumb as the next person.

Quotes to Explore
On the other hand, all kinds of adventurous schemes to add security checkpoints to subway and bus systems have been circulating since the London attacks. This is nonsense. No one can guaranty 100 percent security.
Tokenization applies to scarce assets. Today, the most appropriate thing to tokenize is something that's purely digital. Bitcoin and ethereum are the canonical.
We all know we have a prescribed amount of time on Earth. We just don't know how much.
Throughout his eight years in office, Barack Obama endured a campaign of illegitimacy waged either by pluralities or majorities of the Republican party. Donald Trump rooted his candidacy in that campaign. It's fairly obvious.
On my darkest days, I wear my brightest colors.
If ever there were a time there was nothing, there would be nothing now.
the fashion pages of magazines such as Cosmopolitan now seem to specialize in telling the career girl what to wear to charm the particular wrong type of man who reads Playboy, while the editorial pages tell her how to cope with the resulting psychic damage.
What stays with me most is a general sense of loss, unease, and longing for the past that cannot be relieved.
We always misunderstood ourselves, and rarely understood others.
Buying time will allow us to fast-track pandemic vaccine production. It will allow governments to put in place a host of emergency public health measures that will reduce mortality and morbidity, and social and economic disruption.
We used to sleep five to a bed and three of them used to wet the bed. I learnt to swim before I could walk.
I'd like to go by climbing a birch tree and climb black branches up a snow-white trunk Toward heaven, till the tree could bear no more, But dipped its top and set me down again. That would be good both going and coming back. One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.
You think it doesn't really matter if you screw up this time around because you can just sort it all out in paradise
Real love is a cosmic force which goes through us. If we crystallize it, it becomes the greatest power in the world.
Thy wish was father, Harry, to that thought.
Dogbert: Scientists have discovered the gene that makes some people love golf. Dilbert: How can they tell it's the golf gene? Dogbert: It's plaid and it lies.
Don't think about what the market's going to do; you have absolutely no control over that. Think about what you're going to do if it gets there. In particular, you should spend no time at all thinking about those rosy scenarios in which the market goes your way, since in those situations, there's nothing more for you to do. Focus instead on those things you want least to happen and on what your response will be.
Should a young scientist working with me come to me after two years of such work and ask me what to do next, I would advise him to get out of science. After two years of work, if a man does not know what to do next, he will never make a real scientist.