People always think that loyalty is laudable. People are always saying that we must remain faithful to tradition, to family, to our class, to our ideas. Of course not! That would be equivalent to zero brain activity. If you really want to think, to seek truth, to advance intellectually, you must turn your back on clichés, on preconceived ideas - even those belonging to your spiritual family. For an intellectual, his true duty is not to fidelity, but to infidelity.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
Even if it doesn't sound like it at first, that's an identity that Europe can go out into the world with and take a leading role.
Bernard-Henri Levy
For me, dressing is always a question of principle, respect, a sense of order, not to disguise myself, even in rotten places.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
You can be horrified by the state of the prisons, the misery in certain neighborhoods of its cities, or their level of poverty. Anti-Americanism, by which I mean a hatred for America as such-its transformation into a metaphysical category, which incarnates all the evil in the world-is one of fascism's favorite themes. Look at writer and political theorist Charles Maurras in France. The philosopher Martin Heidegger in Germany. The radical Islamists of today!
Bernard-Henri Levy -
The totalitarian state is not a force unleashed, the truth is in chains.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
The conservatives want to revolutionize the world all at once. And that's a dangerous proposal.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
The European Union should not be prescribing an identity. We know what that's like, when a government tells its people how it should look; what it should be doing. That's the first step towards totalitarianism.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
I am the bastard child of an unholy union between fascism and Stalinism. I am the contemporary of a strange twilight when the clouds above are dissolving amid the clash of arms and the cries of the tortured. The only revolution I know, the one which may grant notoriety to this century, is the Nazi plague and red fascism. Hitler did not die in Berlin. Conqueror of his conquerors, he won the war in the stormy night into which he plunged Europe. Stalin did not die in Moscow nor at the Twentieth Congress. He is here among us, a stowaway in the history that he still haunts and bends to his mad will. You say the world is doing well? It's certain in any case that it keeps on going, since it isn't changing. But never before has the will to death become so nakedly and cynically unleashed. For the first time the gods have left us, no doubt weary of wandering on the plain of ashes where we have made our home. And I am writing in an age of Barbarism which is already, silently, remaking the world of men.
Bernard-Henri Levy
The only successful revolution of this century is totalitarianism.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
Why should an intellectual have to renounce the pleasures of life? I am not a hermit. I am a man of flesh and blood. In fact, if you look at my name in French, that schizophrenia, that aspiration to several lives is contained in my name. Lévy is also les vies - "the lives".
Bernard-Henri Levy -
When you believe in what you are doing, when you are seeking justice for the killing of Daniel Pearl, when you want to alert public opinion to the plight of the massacred people of Darfur, or in the recently martyred former Soviet republic Georgia, it makes more sense to use the media than to work in silence.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
France is a country where thinking is supposed to be furtive, invisible, almost clandestine. France is a country of cliques and sects.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
In general, Europeans need to get a wider perspective on the problem of Islamism. Even if the Israel-Palestine question were solved - and I think and hope that one day soon it will be - this wouldn't stop one person from becoming a terrorist.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
I really like the United State, its relationship to space and time, its interest in mobility, its cosmopolitanism.
Bernard-Henri Levy
I reject the idea that there is some sort of existential "clash of civilizations." I am an interventionist, but not a militarist. War should always be a last resort.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
It's true that in France there is always this ridiculous complex about money. Money is cursed, shameful, money disqualifies you . . . In America, even though it is a Protestant country, it's the opposite.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
Each time a Palestinian or an Israeli dies, it is terrible. But they have the right to have a funeral, to be buried, to have a place in the memory of the survivors. And then you have these other places - Darfur, Rwanda, even Colombia - where the dead have no faces and literally cannot be counted. Theirs are minuscule lives moving toward imperceptible deaths. For me, it is the essence of tragedy.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
I would sooner want a strong partnership with the United States - even with (US President George W.) Bush, who I think is the worst president in a long, long time. I would sooner want a friendship with Bush than with (Russian President Vladimir) Putin.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
God is dead but my hair is perfect.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
I work even when I am on vacation. You know that line by Stéphane Mallarmé, "All earthly existence must ultimately be contained in a book"? I am the kind of person who finds life interesting only if it is translated into writing, if it is parsed into words.
Bernard-Henri Levy
I don't really believe in dialogue; I am too Nietzschean for that. We need to have a warrior conception of philosophy.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
I would hope that Europe always has a privileged relationship with the United States. The alternatives are not attractive.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
The euro is a great achievement. It's a symbolic achievement. But, the European constitution was a missed opportunity.
Bernard-Henri Levy -
America creates myths by focusing a lot of energy on its history and using it - - not always, but sometimes - for constructive purposes.
Bernard-Henri Levy