I speak for all Malaysians in expressing my admiration for the Queen and the grace, poise and selflessness with which she has carried out her duties during her long reign. She represents the very best of British traits: dignity, resilience and hard work.
The Arab awakening was driven by youth, organized by technology, and fired by a hunger for political change.
As you know with the Arab Spring, there were no dividends.
Agreeing to share prosperity, rather than let it divide us, is infinitely preferable to the alternative.
We have lost a lot of ground to the extremists in the Middle East.
We are pleased with the state of predictions and we touched on matters of increasing bilateral trade in both countries Malaysia and Maldives, as well as, looked at opportunities for Malaysian companies to continue participating in the development of Maldives.
The disappearance of MH370 has tested our collective resolve.
Moderate doesn't mean that you're a wimp - far from it. It means that you've chosen a path because you believe that's the only way for global harmony and peace.
What I'm trying to do is get a change in the mindset so people move from a level of mere tolerance to total acceptance and eventually to celebrate diversity. If you feel comfortable with one another, it doesn't matter whether we live in which neighbourhood but we can interact with one another freely. It's a mindset.
My heart reaches out to those whose loved ones were lost on MH17.
I'm quite an advocate of free trade.
I am concerned if 25 percent of Americans think that President Obama is a Muslim. I mean, it's obviously a lack of knowledge. But also, it's for the Muslims as well, you know, because a small numbers of Muslims have really painted a very negative image of Islam.
Giving subsidies is a two-edged sword. Once you give it, it's very hard to take away subsidies. There's a political cost to taking away subsidies.
Malaysia-Singapore bilateral relations can blossom beautifully if cultivated and nurtured like an orchid plant.
Together we will act to bring about national reconciliation, secure Malaysia's economic future, and build a stronger, more harmonious society.
The world is shifting from a hegemonic era, where the United States dominated alone, to a multipolar system.
If you say something that undermines the stability of the country, then you have to be held accountable.
This mandate that I seek is about continuity and sustainability against disruption and stagnation, about moving forward versus regressing. We have to safeguard what we have already achieved. We cannot put at risk what we have; we cannot gamble away our future.
I think the rise of China is inevitable, because China has moved from a low-cost producer, at low levels of technology, to higher levels of technology, and because it's very competitive, even in some high-tech products they offer at very competitive rates - much lower than their competitors.
It so happens, in Malaysia, the people who are in a way not doing as well constitute the majority of the people - the Bumiputeras.
Homosexuality is acceptable in the West.
Detention without trial is history in Malaysia.
I keep on saying, being moderate is fundamental to Islam.
For many decades, Myanmar was on the receiving end of very public diplomatic scoldings, often backed up by sanctions.