The right-wing wants to destroy all the media and replace it with their propaganda.
Why do millennials like Bernie Sanders so much? I love that this is a mystery to Washington. It's the authenticity, stupid.
The right wing has an ecosystem that is funded by billionaires who want tax cuts.
I hire a lot of hosts, reporters, producers, and I hire people who care about the news.
Republicans, Democrats, libertarians, and independents all agree on only one thing - our national politicians are bought.
You know you're a bigot when you can't take out the word 'Muslim' from a sentence you stated and replace it with 'Jew' and still have it be socially acceptable.
I know that a lot of people love to say that polls are wrong or don't matter, and from time to time they are - it depends on who they are polling.
If I get something wrong on air, I get 1,000 emails correcting me instantly, and most of our story suggestions come from viewers.
Obama spent the first two years of his administration practicing political unilateral disarmament.
I think Rachel Maddow has done a brilliant job in becoming more and more independent. And I think she does a fantastic progressive show, and she did it by accruing power, by getting better and better ratings.
Millennials are much more informed than they get credit for, and many are more politically knowledgeable than older generations.
Quietly, President Obama has done warrantless wire tapping. And it was hardly covered. I don't know if any of the mainstream press bothered to cover it.
I'm interested in producing more TV shows.
If you don't watch 'The Young Turks,' you don't know me at all. Whereas no one watches Anderson Cooper, but everyone knows him.
TV is a wasteland. It's a bunch of news actors that read off a prompter.
I was always kind of a loudmouth to the point where I annoyed my teachers and friends.
I made $70,000 in the 1990s, when I was a corporate lawyer. I didn't see that salary again until I was on MSNBC.
The Democratic Party has to be run by progressives... because we can't let another monster like Donald Trump win again... even if we seem impolite in our fight back against him.
These Hillary supporters just drove a car into a giant ditch named Trump. They let Trump win. They let him become the most powerful man on Earth. Sorry, you're not getting the wheel again after driving into the ditch.
I don't want to negotiate with the power brokers in Washington; I want to tear them down.
I'm the poorest famous person in the country.
I think defeating Fox - and more importantly, getting the rest of the media to understand they do not do legitimate news - is very important. I hope to do that through pointing out their hypocrisy, propaganda, and general foolishness. But I also plan to beat them in the ratings and make them fear me.
You can't win a congressional seat unless you have money. Even if you do, it's tick-tock, tick-tock until someone with more money beats you.
I think our politicians are bought by the highest bidder and that until we clean up our election system, then we cannot make progress on any of the issues. That's what drives me - we must restore our democracy.