When you sign with a major label there is no guarantee that they are going to release it either unless you have a guarantee clause or a marketing clause.
Unix in particular is very poor at network printing.
Bands that have positive lyrics that give people hope, I applaud them, you know I think we need to see more bands come out like that. I think it is great.
Music is so strong, so powerful, and such an amazing tool and bands that don't take that into account and feel that they are not responsible for their message is a bunch of baloney.
You can take a bad singer and make them sound decent; you couldn't do that in the past... With things like Pro Tools and all the other things you have available; like auto tune, and pitch correction you can make someone who can't sing into someone who can.
I just wanted to make sure that God's hand was upon it, especially for a band that always stood for God's message; that was important.