I actually find it kind of lonely because you don't see your friends or family ever. I sort of fantasize about just hanging out in New York while I'm on tour.
We don't really interact with them because we're usually on different stages. You're aware that The Killers are at the show, but we try not to worry about it. We were nominated for Best International Video.
Our flight was super delayed from London. There was a minute where we though it was only going to cancel.
We'd rather be a band that some people are going to passionately hate than be a ringtone band.
I think this is the beginning of a really cool period in music because what we've been living through has been mostly super-testosterone rock, and there's nothing wrong with testosterone but it is damn boring.
The idea of it was I was thinking about how when you're a kid you get this unconditional love and you spend the rest of your life trying to find that, but you can't because everyone's in it for their own thing. It's kind of cynical.
They couldn't do it if we didn't allow it. I feel like someone using your song is different than someone using your persona, like you as an individual. It's a bit different than going on the show. Though I never said we wouldn't go on the show.
It was one of the hardest landings I've ever had.
I don't really like mainstream music at all, ... When I listen to the radio or watch MTV, 99% of it is like listening to an air-conditioner or a hair-dryer. Sometimes, though, something comes along that jolts you. When I was growing up, it was bands like Nirvana and Jane's Addiction. Those bands elevate culture. I don't think there's any point in aiming for anything less.
To be fair, I don't have a lot of clothes and you know, Einstein had the same outfit, five different times because he didn't want to spend energy trying to decide what to wear every day. It's pointless. I have a shirt that I wear when I'm not on stage and then I have a sweaty shirt that is so disgusting it would blow your mind.
When we first started we'd play in front of 200 people and we were nervous...
The name is also connected with living in New York in this really weird time. People are constantly waiting for something bad to happen. I wrote these songs and formed this band to make sure I didn't get overcome by that sense of fear. That's what this band is about -- standing tall and not being afraid.
When I was about 12, I wanted a CD player for Christmas, but instead my parents gave me a really crappy electric guitar.
We were joking that they're perforated. They come out of a dispenser.