Bhagawan Nityananda Quotes
If you keep a light before a thousand people, it reaches all without making any distinction. Anyone may take it. Where there is light, there is no darkness. In the darkness there is no light. There can only be one thing (either light or darkness), not two at the same time. One's nature should be like the sun; one's Chitta must be cool like the moon.
Bhagawan Nityananda
Quotes to Explore
An artist's sphere of influence is the world.
Carl Maria von Weber
Revolution in the modern case is no longer an uncouth business.
Garet Garrett
Oh, yes; you Virginians shed barrels of perspiration while standing off at a distance and superintending the work your slaves do for you. It is different with us. Here it is every fellow for himself, or he doesn't get there.
Abraham Lincoln
People always used to say to me, 'Don't you want your own show? That'd be so cool if you had your own show.' I said, 'You know, it's not gonna happen. So – no.'
Candy Crowley
These women, capable of the most sublime emotions, of the tenderest sympathies, were openmouthed and screaming. They wanted to live, they were helpless, likes rats in a trap, and they screamed.
Jack London
The ills and disorders of the 14th century could not be without consequence. Times were to grow worse over the next fifty-odd years until at some imperceptible moment, by the some mysterious chemistry, energies were refreshed, ideas broke out of the mold of the Middle Ages into new realms, and humanity found itself redirected.
Barbara W. Tuchman
Randal can write one-liners again. Everyone is happy, and peace spreads over the whole Earth.
Larry Wall
In a world built on violence, one must be a revolutionary before one can be a pacifist.
A. J. Muste
Let the noble man Be generous and good, Tirelessly achieving What is just and useful: Let him be a model For those beings whom he surmises.
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Waiting the word of the Master, Watching the Hidden Light; Listening to his orders In the very midst of the fight; Seeing His slightest signal Across the heads of the throng; Hearing His faintest whisper Above earth's loudest song.
Jiddu Krishnamurti
So the whole 'We have a list and we're not telling you' should tell you something. Don't you think that if Microsoft actually had some really foolproof patent, they'd just tell us and go, 'nyaah, nyaah, nyaah!'?
Linus Torvalds
You know Chuck, Buddy, and Elvis paved the roadThe roots are deep inside usIt's the rhythm in our soul.
Brian Wilson
But the improvements will happen faster and last longer if we can channel market forces, including innovation that's tailored to the needs of the poorest, to complement what governments and nonprofits do. We need a system that draws in innovators and businesses in a far better way than we do today.
Bill Gates
But it can be laid down as a rule that those who speak most of liberty are least inclined to use it.
John Kenneth Galbraith
Sighing that Nature formed but one such man,And broke the die, in molding Sheridan.
Lord Byron
As if our birth had at first sundered things, and we had been thrust up through into nature like a wedge, and not till the wound heals and the scar disappears, do we begin to discover where we are, and that nature is one and continuous everywhere.
Henry David Thoreau
Nature is the best and really the only real vocabulary that an artist can legitimately work with.
Nelson Shanks
If you keep a light before a thousand people, it reaches all without making any distinction. Anyone may take it. Where there is light, there is no darkness. In the darkness there is no light. There can only be one thing (either light or darkness), not two at the same time. One's nature should be like the sun; one's Chitta must be cool like the moon.
Bhagawan Nityananda